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Method Path
DELETE https://agora.olery.com/v3/feedback/questions/:id

This endpoint is used to delete an existing question through the question ID. The deletion is only possible when the question has no answers registered (has_answers is false).

Example Output

  "id": "959d32ab8cbfi4b70bff1324e",
  "question": "Example question 1",
  "type": "multiple_select",
  "descriptions": [
      "_id": "en",
      "locale": "en",
      "translation": "Example description 1"
      "_id": "es",
      "locale": "es",
      "translation": "Ejemplo de descripción 1"
  "translations": [
      "_id": "en",
      "locale": "en",
      "translation": "Example question 1"
      "_id": "es",
      "locale": "es",
      "translation": "Ejemplo de pregunta 1"
  "max": null,
  "min": null,
  "max_value": null,
  "required": true,
  "enabled_followup": false,
  "links": [],
  "options": [
      "en": "English option 1",
      "es": "Opción española 1",
      "id": "english option 1",
      "default": "English option 1"
      "en": "English option 2",
      "es": "Opción española 2",
      "id": "english option 2",
      "default": "English option 2"
  "config": {},
  "topics": ["bar", "sanitary_safety"],
  "has_answers": false