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Method Path
GET https://agora.olery.com/v3/groups/:id

This route returns a list of all properties available in a specified group.

Output Format

The data is returned as JSON object in the data key.

Field Data Types Description
id Integer ID of the group
name String Name of the group
companies Array Object for each property

Property Fields

Field Data Types Description
id Integer ID of the property
name String Name of the property
activated_at String Timestamp of when the property was activated

Example Output

    "data": {
        "id": 616,
        "name": "ABC Group",
        "companies": [
                "id": 38,
                "name": "Hotel Casa",
                "activated_at": "2018-04-04T13:16:02+00:00"


Parameter Parameter Type Data Types Required Description
id path Integer true ID of the group

Your group ID will be provided by Olery.

Response Statuses

Status Code Reason
200 OK
403 You don’t have access to the group