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Method Path
GET https://agora.olery.com/v3/sentiment/topics

This endpoint lists all the present sentiment ratings and subratings (specified a topic) along with their labels currently available. The subratings are groupings of words/sentences identified by our analytical system from reviews and the ratings are a top level categorization of these subratings linking to the ratings topics which are the ratings coming from the source.

Example Request


Output Format

The aggregated data is returned as a JSON array in the data field.

Company fields

Field Data Types Description
topic String Topic slug
label String Topic label
rating Object Parent rating

Example Output

  "data": [
      "topic":  "breakfast_area",
      "label":  "Breakfast Area",
      "rating": {
        "key":   "fnb",
        "label": "fnb"
      "topic":  "chemicals",
      "label":  "Chemical Odor",
      "rating": null
      "topic":  "defects",
      "label":  "Defects in the Room",
      "rating": null