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Method Path
POST https://agora.olery.com/v3/feedback/responses/:response_id/reply

This endpoint is used to posts manager responses to an existing response through the response ID.


Parameter Parameter Type Data Types Required Description
response_id path Integer true Response ID provided in the Response Lists
manager_response query String true Reply message. Max size 4 kilobyes

Output Format

The aggregated data is returned as a JSON object in the data field. It has the following fields:

Field Data Types Description
company Hash Company linked to the distribution, it has id (Integer) and name (String) fields
completed Boolean Denotes if the response is completed
created_at Date Date of creation of the response
duration Integer How much time (in seconds) the user took to answer the survey
finished_at Date When the user submitted the response
id String Response’s ID
language Hash Language used to answer the survey, it has code (String) and name (String) fields
manager_response String Manager response reply
manager_response_date Date Manager response reply date
published Boolean Denotes if the response is published or not
answers Array Array of hashes, each hash is a response to a question. See response section


Each response has the following fields:

Field Data Types Description
answers Array The answers for the survey. Each element has the same fields listed here
company Hash Company linked to the distribution, it has id (Integer) and name (String) fields
completed Boolean Indicates if the response has been finished or not
created_at Date Response’s creation date
duration Integer How much time (in seconds) the user took to answer the survey
finished_at Date When the user submitted the response
id String Response’s ID
language Hash Language used to answer the survey, it has code (String) and name
manager_response String Manager response reply
manager_response_date Date Manager response reply date
overall_rating Float Average rating
published Boolean Denotes if the response is published or not
survey_id String Survey’s ID

Example Input

  "manager_response": "Thank you for your feedback!" 

Example Output

  "data": {
    "id": "583803",
    "survey_id": "f008c9b0e0f759cafd4ab5271",
    "completed": false,
    "published": false,
    "created_at": "2022-08-21T20:03:29.679Z",
    "duration": 11,
    "finished_at": "2022-08-21T20:03:41.562Z",
    "manager_response": "Thank you for your feedback!",
    "manager_response_date": "2022-08-22T20:03:29.679Z"
    "language": {
      "code": "en",
      "name": "English"
    "company": {
      "id": 8347788,
      "name": "Olery Testing"
    "answers": [...]